This month at Be Blessed Beautiful, we're all about the love. Up first; community love. Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in the day to day hustle of life and our 'bubble' therein. Let us not forget to stop every now and then to show love to each other, beyond our own family, friends, and bubble. Below are some easy ways to let you love light shine!
Let them pass. Hold the door for someone open for someone. Let fellow drivers pass you on the road. If you're in the grocery store check-out line and the person behind you has far fewer items, let them go ahead of you. Love is patient.
Random acts of caring. At a coffee shop or restaurant, pay for someone else's order. If you have a garden, give someone a flower or fruit/ veggies from it. Write a 'thank you' or 'you're awesome' note just because. Touch (within boundaries) is another excellent way to show caring through comfort and connection. Love is kind.
Service. One of the greatest shows of compassion is through service. When we humble ourselves in service, it really makes a positive, energetic impact in our lives and the lives of those around us. This could be as simple as helping a friend organize their basement over the weekend, or as involved as volunteering at a local soup kitchen regularly.
Listen. Sometimes just lending an ear is the most loving thing you can do for another person's spirit. If you notice someone is down, invite them to share lunch or a cup of tea and just give them the gift of your time. We've all been to the grocery store or somewhere else, and a stranger suddenly wants to engage in conversation with you. Regardless of what you're doing at that moment, stop and give them your undivided attention, even if only for a few minutes.

The Invitation
Thinking about your day to day routine and the paths you cross, how can you make a loving impact on someone's day?
We all have causes we feel passionate about. What ways can you get behind the causes you care about?
Big or small, we all have an opportunity every day to make a positive impact on our community through love. <3
I'm outtie!