Your destination for peace, love, guidance and abundance through spiritual healing.
About Me...Oh Miya

Since childhood, I've been fascinated with life and my place in it as an evolving spiritual being. I've always known God as the master teacher, and I his faithful student. As young as 5 years old, I'd recall my dreams and try to interpret their message; during adolescence, I'd spend hours at the library studying divine subjects like angels, astrology, and numerology while practicing with tarot cards and feng shui cures at home. Though my occult studies didn't exactly mesh with my Christian upbringing, I've always embraced the truth in both. Then as a young adult, an affinity for foreign culture led to understanding and admiration of world spiritual practices, primarily through friends from around the globe. Those experiences, an innate awareness of the unseen (3rd generation clairaudient) and most importantly, a close relationship with our Creator has guided and elevated me through life's adversities, maintaining hope and enthusiasm. As a result of this life, I'm intuitively called to genuinely share hope and inspiration with others through shared growth and resilience. We got this!
So what's my message?
It's that you are beautiful and you are blessed! Beyond what's happened to you, beyond anything you've ever done, you are unique, and the world needs you. You deserve peace, love, and happiness.
Having formally and informally studied self-help, spiritual development, and holistic healing for over 70% of my life; I invite you to entertain my unique take on living, loving, and learning... one evolving spiritual being to another.