Valentine's Day is around the corner. If you're single, instead of loathing the amorous spirit, join in with self-love and sensual satisfaction.
Hi! I'm single and a sensualist (someone devoted to the pleasure of the senses). As such, I find it disappointing that so many singletons are disenchanted with Valentine's day. Just because your single doesn't mean you have to feel deprived. In fact, this is a great time to nurture, please and indulge in self-love and savoring. Some of my favorite festivities...
Taste - Go to that restaurant you've been wanting to try out. Try new international cuisine. Prepare your favorite meal for a quiet candlelit dinner for one. Of course, you could always invite friends in on the fun, too. Don't forget to indulge in a decadent sweet treat you wouldn't dare eat any other time. You're so naughty!
Sight - Go shopping! Buy something that makes you look and feel sexy. Get naked in nature like go skinny dipping, check out a nudist beach, or go jogging in the park donning sexy workout clothes. Check out a classic sexy movie like "Cruel Intentions" "Dirty Dancing" "Like Water for Chocolate" (personal fav) or "Vicky Cristina Barcelona." Go to an exhibit or museum, better yet an erotic museum like MOSEX in New York City, or WEAM in Miami Beach. WEAM has by far the most extensive collection of art including many historical pieces while MOSEX always has new exhibits and keeps it fresh and fun with pop culture and a cafe serving aphrodisiac drinks. Yeah baby yeah!
Touch - Sure you can get a professional massage but wouldn't it be more fun (and lasting) to invest in a massager? You can get the nice kind for working out those neck and back kinks at home. Or if you're feeling extra frisky, go to an adult store and invest in a "massager" for those kitty kinks. Meow! Two words of advise: Rechargeable and waterproof. #yourewelcome In all seriousness though, self-touch gives you more insight into your body and what pleases you. Believe me, knowing how to savor your own body will only make things that much more sexy when you're boo'd up with someone else in the pleasure party.
Sound - Ah sound - this sensualista's personal favorite. :) With the right music, you can't help but feel sexy and sensual. I dare you to throw on some merengue, get to shaking those hips and not feel bien chula! If merengue is a little too fast, slow things down with sultry songs like Chocolate by Kylie Minogue or Hazy by Glass Animals. More of a rocker? Move Your Body by My Darkest Days will have you cat crawling and swinging your hair around in no time. Like to twerk? Chris Brown's Pills and Automobiles gotcha! And then there's Ariana Grande with all the sex kitten songs you can ever hope for, just pick one. No idea what you're doing or feel like you have no rhythm? Check out belly dance, pole dance, burlesque or twerk dance videos online in the privacy of your home or take a class if you want! It's all about you.
Smell - Go get a new sexy perfume. You can't go wrong with Victoria Secret, all their scents are sexy! Get a sensually scented bath bomb and take a nice hot soak surrounding by candles and flower petals. Speaking of... buy yourself flowers and enjoy their scent. Rub your body down with a luxurious feeling and smelling lotion. Get familiar with and learn to like your own sexy smells... tehehe. I think we'll stop there and let your imagina tion take you wherever you want to go this Valentine's Day. ;)
I'm outtie!