It's no secret that life can be hard sometimes. Any given day we can encounter adversity that seems to come from nowhere. Usually, our first reaction is to question 'why?' "Why is this happening to me?" "Why now?" Through reflection, it's often easy to discover the reasons why. It could be a matter of timing, circumstance, other people's choices and sometimes our own choices. The latter is typically very uncomfortable to accept, but getting through the discomfort can ultimately free you from facing the same adversity over and over again.

We've all met someone who is continuously in "the struggle." No matter what day of the week it is, no matter what season it is, no matter what good things have happened for them, they are always wrapped up in some drama. More often than not, this drama is self-imposed because the person hasn't the courage (or sometimes the desire) to honestly face the cause of their problems, themselves. It's much easier to blame others, avoid it with other distractions or worse - cope through addiction.
Please don't be that person.

You know you are supposed to be able to take care of yourself, and you know you are supposed to protect yourself from adversity. So when your own choices have a negative impact on your life, it's no wonder it's uncomfortable! You've let yourself down. You've revealed that maybe you don't have it all together or all figured out. But guess what? That's okay! Only God is perfect, remember?
So our lesson in these situations is to have the courage to get through the discomfort, recognize the error in our ways and make a conscious effort to correct it. Easily said, right? Still, in doing so, we break free of the self-imposed drama and take back our power to live life to the best of our ability. If you think about it, those moments of self-imposed adversity are really blessings in disguise, if only you bravely keep it real with yourself and recognize it.
It's not easy admitting that you've put yourself in adversity but on the other side of the confession is an evolved, stronger, wiser and lighter... you. <3
The invitation
In the past, have you missed opportunities for growth by hiding from your mistakes? What could you have done differently?
If you're facing any kind of adversity right not, what choices have you made that contributed to the situation? Once recognized, how can you avoid those same choices the next time?
Remind yourself that you don't have to be perfect and it's okay to make mistakes. Still, in the name of self-care you owe it to yourself to grow through your mistakes and not repeat them.
I'm outtie!