This post was originally published 7 years ago. I haven't changed much with the exception of a few word choices...evolution man!✌💜
Quick note/ update: Though releasing ceremonies can be done anytime, it's ideally timed in conjunction with powerful events within our universe such as an equinox, solstice or full moon.

Are you trying to get rid of "stuff"? Well, you are not alone. At some point in all of our lives, we want to get rid of something, rather its a habit, a person, excess weight, negative feelings, or traits. These things can often hold us back from being our best and living the happy life we all deserve.
One way I personally have found to be successful in getting rid of "stuff" is by having a releasing ceremony. It's simply an event that will officially mark new beginnings and the releasing of the "stuff" we don't want anymore. I believe having an event or ceremony gives strength to your intention and helps to shift your mindset for a new life, free of whatever you let go of.
There are no rules to a releasing ceremony, you can do what feels right to you. Here are some suggestions to get you started:
Choose a time and place where you can truly concentrate on what you are doing. You may choose to be alone or have friends or family present as witnesses.Part of your ceremony should include quiet time. I used my quiet time to pray to God about my intentions and asking for Him to give me the strength to really rid myself of the item. You can pray, meditate, or just think deeply about why you want to rid yourself of the item and how it will impact your life positively to do so.
The Ceremony- The actual ceremony should consist of physically doing something. I use the elements of fire and water as my doing something. If you would like to use the elements, simply write down what you're releasing on a small strip of paper. Be sure to have enough strips for all the elements you plan to use. You may also release more than one thing at a time but I don't recommend overdoing it as your concentration needs to be fine-tuned with each individual item. Now you are ready to use the elements in your releasing ceremony!

Water- Take the strip of paper, cut it into tiny little pieces and place them in water, such as a pond, river, ocean, lake or just a toilet! Water is cleansing and life-giving, so as your dropping the items in the water ask the water to cleanse your life of the item and bring forth a new and refreshed you.
Fire- IF YOU ARE A MINOR PLEASE HAVE ADULT SUPERVISION. To use the fire element you are going to actually set the small strip(s) of paper on fire. This obviously requires that you are very careful. I would recommend that after you put the flame to paper, the paper is sat on a non-flammable surface. Outdoors on the concrete is a great option for that. The fire completely destroys and creates ashes which are then blown away back into the universe. Ask the fire to burn the item to ashes and release it from your life.
Air- With the air element you will want to cut the strip(s) into small pieces which you are then going to release into the air. This works best by going somewhere that you can be above ground (parking garage, balcony etc) and drop the papers into the air which will cause them to fly away. Air wooshes away what we don't want revealing clarity an the "core" of what's always been.
Earth- For the element of earth you simply need to bury the strips of paper. You may choose to bury them, someone, you would see frequently such as a plant pot in your home or somewhere you don't frequent. This depends on your preference. Some may like to see the place of burial as a reminder of what they buried or some may not want to see the burial site so they can completely forget the item. Earth takes back into itself, so ask the earth to take back the item your burying because you no longer need it or want it.
Your ceremony can be different, you can make it unique to how you feel would be the best way to rid yourself of an item. For example, you may choose to write a letter to the item expressing why you want to release it, and then read the letter out loud during your ceremony. Also, with the elements you may choose one of them or all four, it would depend on how strong you feel the item is.
Good Luck and be sure to leave a comment about your personal experiences, or ideas to share.
Letting go is hard but necessary in the growth process and in freeing ourselves of what no longer serves us.
Peace Out